As a project of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Jin-A School is a bilingual, inter-confessional, non-lucrative institution, managed by a director committee.

Registration is Now Open for Year 2023/2024.
Official enrollment
Complete K-12 curriculum
Placement testing
Achievement testing
Curriculum choices
Alternates courses
College prep tracks
Report Cards
Record keeping / Transcripts
Accredited diploma


Ecole Jin-A School Côte d’Ivoire
To enroll at the school, you
are required to bring some documents to the office.
Preschool and Kindergarten inspired by
Montessori teachings ; Christian Liberty Academy curriculum from Grade 1 to 12
CLASS accredited by NAPS
CLASS homeschools (www.homeschools.org) is accredited by the National Association of Private
Schools (www.napsaccreditation.com), a consortium of Christian educators and private school
administrators from across the United States and Canada.

We give our enthusiastic and warm support to JIN-A School Project.
In fact the open spirit of this school, shown by its inter-confessional and bilingual character, richness on the spiritual, moral as well as social levels is an added advantage to the already good curriculum. JIN-A is bound to the American School “Christian Liberty Academy” of Arlington Heights in Illinois.
We have witnessed over the years the teachers ‘professionalism as well as the unfailing dedication of the headmistress Mrs. Lorette Elias.
Our daughter feels totally at ease in JIN-A School and would not change school for anything in the world.
This non lucrative school has an inter-confessional character. It follows a high quality American curriculum while assuring complete bilingual skills English-French.
Included is a systematic Bible study as well as a comparative study of the words of the Saint Coran.
Our daughter Joachim-Anne Lohoues had the privilege to attend JIN-A School from preschool to grade 12. She graduated at 16 years of age. She completed three grades in two years Grades 10,11, and 12.
After graduating from JIN-A School, my daughter went to university in the United States. She was Major of her promotion, thanks to the basics she got in JIN-A School.